I wanted to continue posting ideas concerning sustainable packaging. It is an important Wal-Mart initiative and many vendors want their product to score well on the new Sustainable Packaging scorecard that came into effect in July.
One thing that is exciting to me is being able to interact with so many Wal-Mart vendors while serving the Wal-Mart Vendor Community in my capacity as Vice President of Wisdom Analytics (www.wisdomanalytics.ca).
The multitude of vendors who would mention the concept of sustainability, and the impact it will have on the Wal-Mart vendor community, prompted me to kickoff Wisdom-Analytics' Wal-Mart Vendor Blog with a post on recyclable hangers. Guess what? I got deluged with emails.
Pssst... don't email me, post your comments here - its a blog!
Today I would like to continue on the theme of sustainable packaging, by looking at some other kinds of merchandise that can be packaged creatively.
Let's look at gadgets and gizmos. You know, those devices that would normally get shrink-wrapped and hang from a peg.....

These smart packaging ideas use corrugated cardboard instead of any plastics for packaging popular consumer gadgets. The designer Emile Bertrand-Villemure wanted to protect the environment, re-use cardboard and create attractive-looking packaging in a single design.

Since most gadgets use a combination of plastic bags, expanded plastic foam and air-filled plastic padding, it would be good to achieve the same degree of protection without using any plastic. Since you can easily cut and layer cardboard, it’d be really easy to create complex shapes that are moulded to the gadget you’re trying to protect. The packaging might be a little heavier, but it would certainly be a lot more eco-friendly. We just need to use an eco-friendly glue too!

I think that Emile is really on to something!
Source: Packaging Uqam
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